Integration Details
Gain access to quick and easy Davis-Bacon reporting at the federal, state, and municipal level. Direct integration with the current version of ADP Workforce Now allows for employee data, hours by day, project information, paycheck values, and more to flow seamlessly from ADP into Certified Payroll Reporting each pay period, and then directly onto any required prevailing wage reports, enabling compliance tracking.
ADP Applications Integrated
- ADP Workforce Now® (current version)
ADP TotalSource®
Integration Type
- 1. Read data from ADP
2. Single Sign-On
3. Buy Now
Application Type
- Data Connector & End User
Data Sync Frequency
- Data is pulled from ADP on a daily basis, with the option to pull data on demand from within Certified Payroll Reporting.
Data Fields
- The following fields will be sent from ADP to Certified Payroll Reporting:
• Employee Data
o First Name
o Last Name
o Social Security Number
o Employment Status
o Legal Address
o Hourly Rate
o EEO Code
o Gender
o Union Code
o Veteran Status
o Marital Status
o Federal Exemptions
o Original Hire Date
o Phone Number
• Payroll Data
o Cost Number
o Pay Period End Date
o Hours Worked
o Earnings Data
o Deductions Withheld
o Taxes Withheld
ADP Marketplace Partner Award Winner
Points North was named the 2022 Best Vertical Solution for crafting a vertically focused offering, driving relevant leads and successfully closing leads within that vertical.

Sign Reports Electronically
Define the content and style of your own electronic signature, then apply it as needed to any report for any project.

Generate All Reports with a Single Click
One-click report generation allow you to create all of your certified payroll reports for a pay period instantly, no matter how many active projects you have. Reports can be generated as individual PDFs, or as one consolidated PDF.

Easily Create 'No Work' Reports
If certain projects require no work reports, you can generate them at the same time as your reports for active work jobs.

Create Summary Reports On Demand
Generate summary reports (EEO, Monthly Utilization, etc.) using definable date ranges.

Store and Manage Fringe Data
Whether your fringes are at an employee, project, or work classification level, your fringe data can be easily stored and managed for reporting purposes.

Pre-Payroll Functionality
We offer a full suite pre-payroll solution as well. With this addition it is possible to; import time data, store and manage rates, complete complex calculations, and export all this data to an accounting or payroll platform.
Managed Services Option
The Managed Services option from Points North allows a member of our team to generate your certified payroll reports for each of your projects on a pay period basis and submit them to the relevant parties on your behalf. Speak with a member of our team to learn more about this service today.

Job Costing Module
Streamline labor costing by integrating seamlessly with existing job costing frameworks. Optimize your labor job costing processes, enable accurate budgeting, precise bid generation, and efficient management of direct and indirect labor costs. This new module streamlines data collection, enforces structured change management, and provides comprehensive labor tracking and insightful reporting.